ANZMOSS Multidisciplinary Obesity Care Masterclass

Friday 30th and Saturday 31st May 2025

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

overview and LEARNING OBJECTIVES imageoverview and LEARNING OBJECTIVES image
This immersive two-day course delivers a comprehensive overview of the physiological, nutritional, and psychosocial dimensions of obesity management. You’ll actively engage in real-world case studies, hands-on sessions, and interactive discussions that mirror the challenges you’ll face in practice. You’ll hear from experts within the multidisciplinary team, share their knowledge on surgical and non-surgical obesity treatment options, while most importantly demonstrating how cross discipline collaboration is fundamental for patient outcomes.

Whether you’re a nurse, psychologist, medical specialist, metabolic surgeon, surgical registrar, dietitian, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist; new to the field of obesity management or have up to five years of experience, this foundational masterclass is for you.

Why attend? Because by the end of these two days, you’ll be able to:

1. Lead the charge in pre-operative care—Understand the critical steps in preparing patients for metabolic surgery, setting them up for success.
2. Equip yourself with the right tools—Identify the clinical and practice resources you’ll need to safely manage the care of individuals with obesity.
3. Identify potential complications & implications following metabolic surgery and the impact on physical, nutritional, psychological, and reproductive health.
4. Break down barriers—Gain insight into the real-world challenges faced by individuals with obesity in the healthcare system and arm yourself with strategies to improve access to care.
5. Collaborate like never before! —Discover how to seamlessly collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to provide holistic support that empowers your patients.

Seize this opportunity to advance your professional skills and make a lasting impact on patient care.

Register now and be part of a transformative experience that will empower you to lead in the field of obesity management.

course structure image
 DAY 1  

7.30am Registration desk opens 

8.30 -
Session 1  
Introduction of metabolic and bariatric surgery 

8.30amMelissaWelcome and agenda for the day

8.40amPsychologyWeight stigma and Implicit Association Test (IAT)

8.50amMedicalThe disease of obesity

9.20amTeamHow do we define success?

9.30amPsychologyWhat does the research show us about patient experience?

9.45amTeam Introduction of cases

10 – 10.30am MORNING TEA 
10.30am -
Session 2
Integrated health roles in the continuum of care 
10.30amMedicalCoordinating care from cradle to the grave
10.50amNursingBeing the patient’s partner on a life-changing journey
11.10amDieteticsWe’re not the food police
11.30amPsychologyIt’s not a test, don’t stress
12pmTeam Q&A
12.30 – 1.30pm LUNCH 
1.30 -
Session 3
Case overview – how the team prepares a patient for surgery and adapts to individual needs during pre-op 
1.30pmSurgicalThe operation – surgical overview
2pmExercise PhysiologyConsiderations from an Exercise Physiologist in the pre and post operative management of patients undergoing metabolic surgery
2.20pmTeamExpert guided case discussion on multidisciplinary preoperative assessment – the beauty of adapting
Patient A
Patient B      
 3pm                                     Q&A

3.30 - 4pm   AFTERNOON TEA 
4-5pm Session 4
The surgery and peri-operative care 
4pmTeamReadiness for surgery – the traffic light approach
4.05pmSurgicalVideo walk-through of common procedures
4.25pmNursingEnhancing recovery – optimal care in the immediate peri-operative period

5pm - 6pm     


8am Registration desk opens 

8.30 -
Session 1  
Post-operative early care to avoid complications  


8.35amTeamReview of case studies

8.45amNursingNursing during the recovery phase

9.05amDieteticsWho knew solid food could be so good!

9.25amMedical Medical care during the recovery phase – more than meets the eye

9.45amSurgicalSurgical follow up

10amTeam Q&A

10.30am – 11am MORNING TEA 
11am –
Session 2
Living with the surgery and maximising success 
11amMedicalLife-long care for a chronic disease, and surveillance for complications
11.10amNursingAlways by the patient’s side
11.20amPsychologyEating disorders
11.40amDieteticsEating for life
12pmPsychologyDealing with the speed bumps
12.50pm – 1.30pm LUNCH 
1.30 –
Session 3
Break out groups – see below for details

1.30pmBreakout 1 Micronutrients

2.10pmBreakout 2 Adjuvant pharmacotherapy + weight regain

2.50pmBreakout 3Addressing "fear of failure": A person - centred approach

Each delegate will rotate through each of the 3 breakout sessions.
Breakout 1Micronutrients
Breakout 2Adjuvant pharmacotherapy + weight regain
Breakout 3Addressing "fear of failure": A person - centred approach
3.30pm – 4pm   AFTERNOON TEA 
4 – 5pm Session 4
Bringing it all together 
4pmTeamSummary of case studies
4.05pmSurgeonSurgical long-term management – revisional surgery
4.15pmTeamSummary of key learning points from each discipline
4.35pmTeam Recap and Q&A

Convenor: Melissa Whiting
Event manager: Leanne Rogers

Dietitians: Liz Goodall and Dr Cathy Harbury
Medical Practitioners: Dr Teresa Girolamo and Dr Zanna Murfitt
Nurses: Jane Collins and Kate Berridge
Psychologists: Kylie Murphy and Annemarie Hindle
Surgeon: Dr Alex Craven

THE TEAM image
ANZMOSS member 2 days $400
Non member 2 days $600

Whether you’re a nurse, psychologist, medical specialist, metabolic surgeon, surgical registrar, dietitian, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist; new to the field of obesity management or have up to five years of experience, this foundational masterclass is for you.

There is NO online.  This course is designed to be hands on and in person.

***  REGISTRATION CLOSES at 11.59pm Friday 23rd May and will NOT be extended***

Join us on the plaza for networking drinks after conclusion of Friday's sessions. ​

5pm to 6pm

A great way to network and engage with like minded collegues

  • Date: 30/05/2025 08:30 AM - 31/05/2025 05:00 PM
  • Location: Merivale Street & Glenelg Street, South Brisbane QLD, Australia (Map)
  • More Info: Plaza P8, P9, P10, P11

Buy Now
Membership of the Society will be by application
Membership will be open to all persons who are actively engaged in the field of Obesity surgery and management including research, education, counselling and therapy. No restrictions shall be imposed on any person by virtue of religious or political beliefs, gender, nationality, race or age, but the Society shall have the right to refuse membership to any person without assigning any reason thereof.

Click here to become a member​​​


ANZMOSS would like to offer you the opportunity to sponsor the Multidisciplinary Obesity Care Masterclass, 30 and 31 May 2025, being held in Brisbane.

The May 2024 course held in Sydney was a huge success.

The goal of the two day course is to provide an ANZMOSS endorsed and approved practical training program that is meaningful within the bariatric surgery field. It will serve as a stand-alone course for practitioners but will also extend to future programs for those involved, or seeking to be involved in a bariatric career pathway.

Sponsorship prospectus

We are seeking your support for this meeting in the form of a $3,800 AUD sponsorship package. ($4,180 including GST)

Exhibition Entitlements
Trestle table exhibition for the duration of the conference
Two (2) exhibition passes - includes catering 
Logo acknowledgment in the program, and on sponsors page of the ANZMOSS website
Access to the delegate list of all delegates (no email addresses)
Convenor and ANZMOSS executive officer support
Company promo sign at front of room (provided by exhibitor)

Please contact the ANZMOSS office for further details

Thankyou to our sponsors:


  • Adelaide, South Australia, Australia